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Catsalysmo-The-Great-Translator (as he calls himself) is a cunning and evil creature who hides his lowly background and aspires to become one of the most powerful gomes in all of Europe.  We first meet him in Chapter XXVII of Twilight Cave when Finn bumps into him on Level Four of Barcelunda:

Finn had never seen a gome like this before.  It was tall and craggy, a bright red color but with black stripes going round its body every few inches, as though it was wearing a rugby shirt.  It had cold white eyes near the top of its pointed head, but unlike other gomes in Barcelunda this gome wore elaborate clothes.  It had a flowing cloak in rainbow colors attached together at the front of its body with a gold buckle.  And on its head it wore a crown of sharp, white chunks of marble, linked together by a silver chain.  As the angry gome pulled a foot back to kick him again, Finn wriggled away and tried to stand upright.

We learn more about Catalysmo a few chapters later when Wullie, Hadley, and Alina visit Jade-Tsi-Dong in the Chinese Medicine store in Chapter XXXV of Twilight Cave.  When Alina asks the great Chinese Translator if she could be his assistant someday he recoils angrily:

No assistants.  Last assistant stole my secrets.  Betrayed me.  Now he uses magic against my people.  He favors that… that… slug… Desperandum.  No more assistants!  Jade-Tsi-Dong works alone… Chai-Tinh-Bo was his name when he was a foolish fisher-gome near the Yangtze River.  Now calls himself by very grand title; calls himself Catalysmo-The-Great-Translator.

Catalysmo appears in several of the Wullie stories…

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